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Informasi Visa Singapore
Mayoritas kewarganegaraan dapat memasuki wilayah Singapore tanpa visa, termasuk Indonesia. Namun, terdapat lebih dari 30 negara yang diharuskan mengajukan permohonan visa terlebih dahulu sebelum datang ke Singapore.Daftar +30 negara dapat ditemukan di website Immigration & Checkpoints Authority
Periode masa tinggal di Singapore bagi visa turis/kunjungan rata-rata adalah 14-30 hari, tergantung dari negara penerbit paspor:
Indonesia: 30 hari, masa berlaku paspor min. 6 bulan
Negara Uni Eropa/Amerika Serikat: 90 hari
Pengunjung diperbolehkan untuk memperpanjang masa tinggal dengan cara mengajukan permohonan di Immigration & Checkpoints Authority sebelum masa berlaku visa habis.
Almost every country do not require a visa to Singapore, including Indonesia. To see the +30 countries that require a visa, visit the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority website:
Foreigners with or without a visa in Singapore are permitted to stay around maximum 14 to 30 days, depending on their national identity/passport:
Indonesia: 30 days
European Union/USA: 90 days
Foreigners who would like to extend their stay in Singapore are required to apply for extension at the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority prior to visa expiration.
(a) For Application in Singapore
Submit your visa application online via Submission of Application for Visa Electronically (SAVE) through a local contact with a SingPass account or a strategic partner in Singapore.(b) For Application at our Overseas Mission
Submit your visa application at the nearest Singapore Overseas Mission or through the authorized visa agents of the Overseas Missions. The full list of Overseas Missions can be found here. Please visit the respective Mission's website for the visa application procedure.Documents Required
(a) For Business Visit (attending business negotiation/discussion)
1) Completed Form 14A (original) .
2) One recent passport-sized colour photograph (to be pasted on the top right-hand corner of (Form 14A) which meets the following requirements:
* Image must be taken within the last 3 months .
* Photograph should be in colour, must be taken against a white
background with a matt or semi-matt finish .
* Image must show the full face and without headgear (headgear worn in
accordance with religious or racial customs is acceptable but must not hide
the facial features) .
3) Photocopy of the applicant's passport biodata page. Please ensure that the passport is valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry .
4) Completed Form V39A (Letter of Introduction for Visa Application)¹ .
5) Computer printout of the Singapore registered business entity’s detailed business profile (showing the names of all the directors / shareholders) from the Instant Information Service, Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and printed within the last 3 months .
¹ Letter of Introduction (LOI) may be issued by a local contact in Singapore. For visa applicants attending business negotiation / discussion in Singapore, the local contact must be a Singapore registered business entity . The person acting on behalf of the business entity must be a Singapore Citizen / Singapore Permanent Resident who is at least 21 years old . If you are not able to furnish a LOI from a local contact, you may approach your Embassy to issue a LOI to support your visa application.
(b) For Social Visit (visiting families, friends, relatives and for tourism)
1) Completed Form 14A (original) .
2) One recent passport-sized colour photograph (to be pasted on the top right-hand corner of (Form 14A) which meets the following requirements:
* Image must be taken within the last 3 months .
* Photograph should be in colour, must be taken against a white
background with a matt or semi-matt finish .
* Image must show the full face and without headgear (headgear worn in
accordance with religious or racial customs is acceptable but must not hide
the facial features) .
3) Photocopy of the applicant's passport biodata page. Please ensure that the passport is valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry .
4) Completed Form V39A (Letter of Introduction for Visa Application)².
5) Local contact's Singapore Identity Card ( original and photocopy ).
² Letter of Introduction (LOI) may be issued by a local contact in Singapore. Any Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident who is at least 21 years old can act as a local contact. If you are not able to furnish a LOI from a local contact, you may approach your Embassy to issue a LOI to support your visa application.
PT. I Five Productionz
Jalan Taman golf no.28 , LK Centre , Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia, 11520.
Phone:+62812 6 555 555 9 (WA)
BlackBerry Messenger: 5717ba69
E-mail : /
thank you for your interesting infomation.